Happy New Year to you all! I trust you had a good Christmas despite the last-minute changes from the government.
So here we are in 2021 still with the inevitable restrictions. You all should have received a detailed email with an attached form to fill out and return at the end of last term. Sadly, I have not received many filled-out forms so do not know at this point what the take up is for carrying on ballet classes on zoom. I do believe it was a success last term and that your child did benefit. Although it was hard work, I enjoyed keeping in contact and teaching your child and am more than happy to continue this term for as long as is needed.
Term starts this Saturday, the 9th, and all classes will be at the same time as last term. I need to stress that I do need the signed form as it endorses the fact that you are responsible for your child’s wellbeing and safety while taking part in the zoom lessons; without signatures I invalidate my insurance!
Depending on numbers on zoom, I may adjust the timetable slightly but will keep you informed and give you plenty of notice.
If your child is not taking part in the zoom sessions but would like to resume classes once we are back in the hall, please also let me know. I will of course adjust the fees accordingly so you can hold off paying them until we know when we will be back in the hall. For those doing zoom I will give you a reduction in your fees next term.
The link for zoom is as exactly the same as before, and has been emailed to you if you need a reminder. No password is required but everyone enters the waiting-room initially and I let them in personally. This enables me to ensure the safety and security of every child in the zoom class.

Last zoom session we learnt my version of the cygnet variation. This was filmed both on zoom and during the final class in the hall. It is now with my daughter Lucy in the editing process and I can’t wait to see the finished product. I would like to give a new challenge to everyone this term even if they are not doing zoom. That challenge is to choreograph a dance themselves! A short, 1-minute dance, to a piece of music they like. This can be any kind of music and the dance can use any style. It may even be costumed. They have all term to work on it before you film it and send it in to me. It would be great if I could see the whole of the body! Once I have all the entries, I will ask my daughter to choose a winner from each age group. Siblings are welcome to do something together. I will of course discuss Choreography with the classes and give them some pointers. Please could you really encourage your child to take part. We don’t need to focus on the competition side but the taking part and having the chance to be creative.
Another part of the zoom sessions will to have the opportunity to have a chat with each other so that they don’t miss out on the friendship side of coming to class. Younger pupils can still bring and share something but if you could encourage them to put it down out of the way once they have shared it. They may use crowns, wings and wands on occasion, also scarfs or ribbons, so always good to have them to hand.
One final thing, the ballet certificates and reports have at last arrived! As I have too many to post and they would require an A4 envelope you are welcome to come at an arranged time to pick them up from my house but please arrange it in advance so that I can have it ready for you!
With that all said, I hope you have all had a good start to 2021 (despite the restrictions!) and hope that I will see as many of you as possible on Zoom starting next week!
Miss Alison